Can a picky eater overcome a lifelong aversion to "branching out"?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Stir it up!

Today I went through a familiar routine.  My husband called while I was at work to ask what I wanted for dinner.  I said I had no idea and he should just pick something. So I came home to chicken breasts marinating in teriyaki sauce and stared at it for awhile and then thought, " what?"  Normally, this would lead to me being momentarily paralyzed with indecision and general anxiety and then would send me on a frantic search for any recipe that involved teriyaki marinated chicken breasts.  Today was different though!  I scanned through the contents of our fridge in my head and then thought, Stir Fry!!!

In general, I am not a stir fry maker.  I don't know why.  I think I have made stir fry one time in the last 10 years.  But I knew I had the stuff to make it and I had confidence that I could figure it out as I went.  So I chopped up the chicken and tossed it in the wok with some canola oil.  I also chopped up some purple cabbage, green onions, leeks, asparagus, garlic and ginger.  I put some homemade chicken stock in a pot to make rice with.  When the chicken was done, I took it out and put a few chicken stock ice cubes and some teriyaki sauce in the wok and tossed in the veggies.  When everything was done, I threw it in a bowl and had a delicious dinner.  The chicken broth gave the rice a really nice flavor!!  It is my new favorite way to cook rice!

It looked amazing too!  Now I know why stir fry has been touted as a delicious, quick weeknight dinner.  Honestly, I kinda thought that was a load of crap.  That it was just one of those things people said but didn't really mean.  I was wrong! It doesn't happen often, but when it does, I try to gracefully admit it.  It helps to admit it on a full stomach though!

1 comment:

  1. I am enjoying "watching" your transformation into a confident and competent person in an arena that you have (it seems) appreciated from afar. Big hugs to you, Sweetie.
